From Stress To SUCCESS

From Stress To SUCCESS

Lectures | Coaching | workshops

Confidence, motivation and clarity

emerge from coaching, learning, and process.

Imagine not searching for motivation every morning...

Instead of being driven by fear, let challenges and goals fuel your energy and meaning, pushing you to the limits of your personal and professional potential.

Envision a life beyond the chase for external validation—a life where you’re free to choose, to act, to create, and to truly be yourself.

In our distraction-filled world, with endless approaches to achieving goals, it’s easy to feel lost in information overload, struggling to unlock our inherent potential. We often find ourselves torn between survival and choice.

What if you had access to a concentrated blend of tools, approaches and science, all proven in the field and backed by 20 years of experience?

Imagine your life enriched with meaning every moment, empowered by the world’s best practices.

About the Talk

The Spirit Of Success

In his inspiring lecture, "The Spirit of Success"," Nimrod invites us to dive with him into a fascinating journey through his life and achievements - from a carefree childhood by the sea, through tough personal challenges, to international achievements as an Olympic athlete and a mental coach for high achievers.

The lecture offers a rare glimpse into the mental processes and training behind success, as well as the challenges that must be faced along the way. For about an hour, Nimrod shares with us the profound insights and lessons he learned on his journey.

He pursues the big questions that faced him: What drives us to succeed? How do we deal with fears? And how to turn them into fuel for success? What is healthy achievement? And how to maintain it in a competitive and challenging world?

He also touches on deep philosophical questions about the meaning of success and failure, and the importance of finding the right balance between striving for achievements and maintaining quality of life and self-fulfillment.

"The Spirit of Success" is not just Nimrod's personal story but also an invitation for each of us to re-examine the ways we sail against the winds in our lives. The lecture provides practical tools for improving self-confidence, managing crises, and creating a life full of meaning and success.

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Happiness and Fulfillment Aren’t Found on the Podium

It’s Sep 10, 2009. My body trembled with excitement. I gazed from the stage at the other participants and the audience, feeling the title ‘Vice world champion’ become more real with each passing moment.

Now the numbers confirm it, I can return with a medal from the Olympics. I am an ‘Olympic Hope’ the village where I grew up, friends, family, the country, now all depend on me to deliver them a moment of intense, life-greater excitement, a moment they can feel a part of.

On the podium, beneath the adrenaline, a sense of emptiness began to grow inside me, an abyss of fear, pain, and longing.

When I returned home, a grand celebration awaited me. Journalists and photographers waited alongside dozens of young children who looked up to me like a king. There, amidst the great commotion, I felt this gap opening between me and the world.

My ‘new role’ in the world distanced me from who I am. At times, I allowed my true self freedom, but mostly I remained loyal to the new character and role.

The greatest fear – disappointing everyone – is what now pushes me to new extremes. In this moment, cameras pointed at me like firing machines, the small crack opens, I break down, and the great pain I’ve locked away all my life bursts out, dismantling me in front of everyone.

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Benefit from two decades of global top-tier insights and practices, now accessible to you.


Moments, practice's, and Insights

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